Best Controller Portable For Ableton And Mac

  1. Best Midi Controllers For Ableton

The number of dedicated Ableton controllers is growing steadily – here are four of the best It seems that there are more dedicated Ableton controllers than for any other DAW, these days. For more specific-types of controllers, check out our best MIDI pad controller write-up or the top 10 best MIDI keyboard controllers post. Akai APC40 Mk2 If we had to choose our absolute favorite controller for Ableton, we’d probably go with this if budget and type weren’t a factor in your decision. Best Portable Midi Controller for Ableton Live? Just saw this message. I have a regular launchpad, too. I just found it in a closet. I was wondering if you use it on a Mac or PC? If you use it on a Mac, what OS are you using? Get INSTANT ACCESS to the world's best private pro audio Classifieds for only USD $20/year. The number of dedicated Ableton controllers is growing steadily – here are four of the best It seems that there are more dedicated Ableton controllers than for any other DAW, these days.

Ever since making the switch to, especially for when I perform, my life has been generally more positive (at least that’s what I think). The ease and convenience of the program just seems like a natural ebb and flow while I make and perform my music.

Format a drive using Disk Utility on a Mac • Launch Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities). Best file format for mac and windows. If you know you’ll be using computers running updated versions of these operating systems, exFAT is the clear best choice. Almost since exFAT is fairly new, it isn’t compatible with older Macs and PCs. Awesome, it’s perfect! Any Mac running 10.6.5 (Snow Leopard) or 10.7 (Lion) supports exFAT, while PCs running Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, and Windows 7 are compatible.

It was one of our favorite DAWs mentioned in our article, specifically for live performances. Best headset for dragon medical mac. When it comes to music equipment, we love our MIDI controllers (especially keyboards).

If you’ve just purchased Ableton or have been using it for a while and have decided that it’s finally time for an investment in a MIDI controller (as it is merely the basis of Ableton and a lot of it’s features), we’ve compiled just that for you. The exact best MIDI controller for Ableton Live depends on what you exactly want, especially with Live 9 remaining in full effect. Do you want a made-for-Ableton piece of gear? Just a drum pad? Perhaps a keyboard with keys?

We’ve listed the top best MIDI controllers for Ableton Live, sorted by our preference. For more specific-types of controllers, check out our write-up or the post.

Best Midi Controllers For Ableton

If we had to choose our absolute favorite controller for Ableton, we’d probably go with this if budget and type weren’t a factor in your decision. What’s unique about a lot of Ableton controllers out there are the made-for-software collaborations, and here they’ve paired up with Akai Professional — one of our favorites, ever. One of the biggest advantages you have when grabbing this is the visual feedback — the controls match Ableton’s layout so you can easily envision what you’re doing. Here’s a cool in action. It’s got plenty of pads (5×8, and they’re a bit small but you’ll get used to them), 8 channel faders, a master fader, and 8 device controls that map flawlessly with the software. It’s USB-powered so you plug it in and you’re good to go. It has everything except keys, so that’ll be the only drawback but if you’re looking for an Ableton controller with keys continue down our list and they have those options as well. You can read our for more info or click the pic for some price checking.